Showing posts with label Beach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beach. Show all posts

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Urban/Nature follow-up

Experimenting with drawing objects and different mediums I mixed it up with placing it on my photographs and the results was kinda awesome. It was interesting to see how drawings can change into something else instead of it just sitting on the paper. New ideas can come up which can help a lot when designing something new. Try it, I recommend it!

My concept was a rhetorical question that asks the question if the nature in the picture you see is really true? We as humans place plants and nature in places it shouldn't be or we put it to make it look natural, but does it really?

Enjoy the final photographs!
Till Later!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


So a few weeks back I went to Strand near Stellenbosch to visit my uncle. We went out that evening and ate at this very awesome pub near the beach. While having drinks my uncles girlfriend told me to look outside to see the awesome sunset.
Luckily I had my camera with me so I quickly grabbed it and ran down to the beach to capture this moment. Unfortunately it's hard to capture something so beautiful only the eye can see, but I think I did pretty well getting it on film.

So while standing on the windy beach with no tripod I got a few nice shots I would like to share with everyone. Next time I will be prepared and hopefully the scene will be similar to the one I experienced.

Till Later!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Beach Shoot Test Shoot

Here is the rest of the test shoot that you guys missed if you haven't seen it on Facebook yet. Be sure to follow my Facebook page to see when I will upload my latest photo shoot.

Yesterday evening I decided to go and stand on rocks in the ocean to shoot the crashing waves in bulb, because I always wanted to get that awesome effect. With all the effort of getting there and being in the splash zone I actually got pretty decent photographs! I will upload them soon. First enjoy the test shoot, a little sneak peak on what to come.

Till Later!